
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Randoms and a picture dump

I'm not gonna lie, I am glad this week is over.  It's been SO busy, and very rough.  A flip switched in the Lil Mans head a couple weeks ago and all of the sudden he has an attitude to rival a teenagers, and mood swings to rival pregnancy.  He's also pretty darn cute though, and very excited for Christmas.  He's been finding random things around the house to give as gifts to everybody and couldn't wait to see Santa
Johnny got his car stolen this last weekend, we are hoping it will get found, but I'm not getting my hopes up. 
Hannah is doing great, I took her to the doctor last week for her two month appointment, she's in the 95 percentile for weight and 50th for height. She is still a little cling-on though and doesn't tolerate anyone else for more than a couple hours at a time if that. And when we are at home she has to be held 24/7 it makes getting anything done hard, my house would not be clean if my mom didn't come over a couple times a week to watch the kids while I clean.  She has started smiling a lot more, though you have to work her to get those smiles, she's a serious little thing.

The Lil Man managed to break my camera this week, so all the pictures are off my phone.  I'm hoping to maybe find a decent camera on craigslist after Christmas. I've seen some really good prices on them this last week and I'm hoping I can still find one when Johnny gets paid friday.

Monday, November 26, 2012

2 months and tree decorating

 2 Months

 Hannah is a complete mama's girl, and while I love it most of the time it can be really frustrating at others.  I have yet to be able to leave her alone with anybody for more than a couple hours without her melting down. I really would like to be able to go out for a girls night or something. Hopefully it happens soon because I need one.
In good news I finally got a new, much needed phone. An Iphone 4s to be exact. I love it, especially the camera which was why I chose it.  I might even like it more than my digital camera. In fact I'm pretty sure I do. The lil man also loves it and is stealing it to take pictures of Hannah all the time, he is a very proud big brother.

We decorated the Christmas tree last night, though lil man spent most of it trying to pick up ornemants with his tongs.  Whatever floats his boat :) 
Getting the lil man in a picture is quite the challange these days.  He all of the sudden hates the camera and will cover his face and run away shrieking if you point it at him.
He will accept bribery though.  Not that I would ever stoop that low...

Monday, October 29, 2012

 Only A Month Late...  

Introducing Hannah Marie Hart
September 26, 2012
7 pounds 14 ounces, 19 inches long

Thursday, September 13, 2012

38 weeks

  Well a couple of weeks ago, my computer died, so I have been using Johnnys which for some reason wont let me upload any pictures.  And that has given my lazy self an excuse to not post anything.  Hopefully this Friday I will have a new computer.
                                  This picture was taken at johnny's  cousins wedding, I was 35 weeks.
I feel like I have blown up since this picture was taken. Like I am literally twice as big as I was then.  All of the sudden I have been getting those "you look ready to pop" and  "Wow! you finally look preggo".  I'm over it. This baby can come now.  I don't have everything ready, but I probably never will, so please just come out lil lady.

The lil man is doing really good. He has actually been asking when sissy is going to come.  He refuses to call her Hannah, her name is sissy according to him.  Johnny just started up school again after having the summer off, that has been a little hard on the lil man. He's always asking where daddy is and wanting to go out and play.  I feel bad because I cannot run around with him like he wants.  Winter break can't come to soon.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week 30

The last few weeks have been pretty busy, we celebrated the 4th of July. This is the only picture I managed to take. At least is turned out cute.
We went to Lake Tahoe a couple times, Johnny loved it and has been asking to go again.

When it comes to the pregnancy, things have just gotten uncomfortable, if not downright painful.  My ribs still hurt, which makes sleeping really hard and if I do Anything physical I end up crippled for the next couple of days afterwards. No running or volleyball for me.
I've started to really work on the nursery lately, and it is slowly coming together.  When I first found out I was preggo I thought pinterest would be super inspirational, but it hasn't really worked out that was.  I just feel very uncreative...
I'm really excited for this next month though. I got my work schedule switched around so I am going to be working just Monday and Tuesday for the next few months, instead of the weekend. So me and Johnny will actually have days off together, which except for one here and there we haven't for the last year.  It will especially be nice since Johnny starts school in the fall and his schedule will be uber packed.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week 27 (otherwise known as 'Wow, I suck at documenting')

The Bump
I finally popped while we were on vacation in Oregon. Though now it seems hell bent on making up for lost time. I feel like it is getting bigger by the day.  And thank god it has shut some people up. If I had to hear "are you sure there is a baby in there" one more time I might hurt somebody...badly. 
 The Baby
 According to baby center she is almost two pounds and about 15 inches long.  She seems to be most active right before bed, and seems to wake up around the same time I do. She defiantly favors my right side and likes to wedge herself up under my ribs on a daily basis. It makes my stomach look weirdly lopsided.
The Momma
This pregnancy is definitely harder than my last one. My ribs hurt whenever I put a bra on, they didn't hurt with Johnny until about 34 weeks. My back hurts at the end of the day. And my hips hurt just about all the time. I get up to pee about 5 times a night, it's ridiculous. Other than all that I am doing great.  We went and visited Johnny's family in Oregon last week and  then came back and had my side of the family in town for my grandparents 60th anniversary. So things have been hectic. And as much as I enjoyed it I am excited to relax. 
I had horrible allergies while we were in Oregon and couldn't wear any makeup, so I'm only in like five pictures. It's kind of sad.

The Lil Man
Johnny is doing good.  He still doesn't really get that he is going to have a baby sister. If you ask him about it he just tells you NO.  He will give kisses to my belly though, and tells me how "cute" sissy's clothes are.

Monday, April 23, 2012

17 Weeks Preggo
How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I gained 2 pounds this week,yay :)
Maternity clothes?
Nope, but enjoying my stretchy waistband shorts
Stretch marks? Nope.
Best moment this week: Having the weekend off with Johnny was really nice, I popped out this week and had a few people mention that I'm finally starting to show.
Miss anything: Sleep, preggo insomnia is not fun.
Movement: More and more, I can occasionally see it to
Food cravings: Steak, and fruit, and chicken pot pies.
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Not particularly, occasional bouts of morning sickness here and there.
Have you started to show yet: Just a little. I can feel a big difference this last week though.
  Gender: ???
Labor Signs: Nope
  Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: Her to be here and to be done being pregnant ha! :)

    This weekend was really enjoyable.  I actually had Saturday and Sunday off with Johnny, and that is a rare happening.  Saturday I went thrifting and to a few garage sales with my mom and sister in law while Johnny did some homework. Then we went home and had a movie night.  Sunday we had people over for a bbq, it was a lot of fun. I'm very glad I decided not to be lazy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

                                                                 14 weeks, nothing to see.
                                                              Playing in the snow.

Preggo Week 16

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: -14 pounds, darn morning sickness. At least it is just about gone now.

 Maternity clothes?  Nope not yet.

Stretch marks?  Nada, hopefully it stays that way.

Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move for the first time

Miss anything: Beer, Being able to sleep through the night without having to get up a million times to go pee.

Movement:Just a little bit here and there

  Food cravings:Steak, fruit, nachos

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope,not anymore

Have you started to show yet: I can see it, but other people can't yet

  Gender: I can't wait to find out

Labor Signs: Nope, and hopefully not anytime soon
  Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, the moodiness tends to catch me off guard.

Looking forward to: My doctors appointment Wednesday, having the whole weekend off