
Saturday, August 10, 2013

July Updates

 It is crazy how quickly these little ones grow.  People always tell you it goes by to quickly, and I have to say with Johnny I wasn't nearly as aware of it as I am with Hannah.  The last seven months have flown by, both kiddos have grown so much.  Johnny went from wearing a 3T in September to a size 5 this April. Talk about a growth spurt.
 Hannah loves being around her dad. She lights up when she see's him. I'm pretty sure Dada was her first word.

This little dude is practically a teenager, at least he acts like one.  It is my way or the highway for him.  He is a little homebody though. If given the choice between going somewhere and just staying home he will always choose to stay home.

Updates August

This summer has been so very busy. While I am not looking forward to Johnny going back to school in a couple weeks I am looking forward to a slower pase  that Autumn brings.  This summer has been full of birthday parties and BBQ's, friends and good times.

 Fathers Day was relaxing and nice, we had a picinik at the park with the whole family.
 Hannah started crawling in June and not much more than a month later started walking, she also had her first ear infection and got three teeth within the next month
 Johnny's new obsession ( and that is putting it mildly) is Skylanders.  Everything he does has to involve them in some way.  We can't just have a bonfire night, it has to be a Skylanders Bonfire, and a Skylanders BBQ and so on and so forth.
 Hannah loves trying to climb stairs, and giving mommy heart attacks, she got her first black eye this week trying to climb up our back porch.

 He is turning into the most handsome little man. 

 Johnny made Hannah into Kaos, the bad guy from Skylanders, he spent the day exclaiming every time she came in the same room as him that Kaos was here and I'd better watch out.  It was OK though, cause he would save me.
Straight Shenanigans.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


My friend Jessica asked if I could take some graduation pictures for her graduation invitations. I'm no proffesional photographer, but I do think these came out really good, if I do say so myself.

There is a wife beater around his neck... stay classy UNR

I have no clue how to edit photos, so none of them are edited.  I thought they turned out very good for my first try :)

Thoughts Right Now

I should be cleaning right now but instead I am just holding a sleeping baby, contemplating taking a nap also.  Last night was rough,  and I am tired. I rearranged the children's rooms though and now I really need to get things organized and figure out where to put stuff.
On that note, we finally moved Johnny into his own room, and the transition was much smoother than I anticipated. I thought we would have a much harder time getting him down for naps, without a pitch black room, but he surprised me and had no trouble with it at all. (knock on wood).
I am so glad spring has finally came.  I was over winter a few months back, and spring really just makes me a happier person in general.  It's nice to just be able to let Johnny go play outside, and Hannah is content to watch him from the doorway for the most part. Johnny recently brought him home his very own motercycle and the day is not complete if he doesn't ride it at least once.
I have started running again, and am doing really well. I have my mile time down to around 8:15, which is awesome for me, the only problem is that since I am breastfeeding I cannot manage to lose any weight. Not cool.
Johnny only has one more month left of school this semester and  that make me so happy, the last seven months have been hard having him gone all the time, and studying when he is home.  I miss him.  It will be fun to finally be able to do some things together as a family.  I can't wait for it to be hot enough to go to the lake, or spend the evening out by the fire.  We have been working on our yard and it is finally starting to come together, and be a nice place to just hangout.  Just need to get the grass growing a little  lot more.

Monday, March 25, 2013

6 Months

I can't believe six months has gone by already. Hanna has grown so much. It is very bitter sweet. She loves hanging out with Johnny and likes to be where she can see him at all times. And Johnny is generally very good with her, though occasionally a little rough.  He is always asking if Hannah can come play with him in whatever room he is in. He also gets very upset at the thought of her not going somewhere with him.

 Hannah's personality has gotten a lot bigger in the last few months as well.  Smiles are easy to get out of her, a laugh you must work much harder for. She still doesn't like to be away from mom for more than a few hours but is content to go just about anywhere.  She loves to be carried around in the sling. It is one of the few places she will sleep besides her basket.
 (Off topic) ( I finally got a new camera, a Canon XSI. I love it. It's pretty complicated but I am starting to get the hang of it. Thanks Boyfriend! )
 We have just started Hannah on solids.  She doesn't like anything pureed. She likes real food with texture. She will eat almost anything off our plates that we give her.

 Chillen with the great-grandfather

 Hanging out with grandma at the park.
 Watching football. Go Niners.
Christmas Jammies