
Thursday, September 13, 2012

38 weeks

  Well a couple of weeks ago, my computer died, so I have been using Johnnys which for some reason wont let me upload any pictures.  And that has given my lazy self an excuse to not post anything.  Hopefully this Friday I will have a new computer.
                                  This picture was taken at johnny's  cousins wedding, I was 35 weeks.
I feel like I have blown up since this picture was taken. Like I am literally twice as big as I was then.  All of the sudden I have been getting those "you look ready to pop" and  "Wow! you finally look preggo".  I'm over it. This baby can come now.  I don't have everything ready, but I probably never will, so please just come out lil lady.

The lil man is doing really good. He has actually been asking when sissy is going to come.  He refuses to call her Hannah, her name is sissy according to him.  Johnny just started up school again after having the summer off, that has been a little hard on the lil man. He's always asking where daddy is and wanting to go out and play.  I feel bad because I cannot run around with him like he wants.  Winter break can't come to soon.