
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Week 27 (otherwise known as 'Wow, I suck at documenting')

The Bump
I finally popped while we were on vacation in Oregon. Though now it seems hell bent on making up for lost time. I feel like it is getting bigger by the day.  And thank god it has shut some people up. If I had to hear "are you sure there is a baby in there" one more time I might hurt somebody...badly. 
 The Baby
 According to baby center she is almost two pounds and about 15 inches long.  She seems to be most active right before bed, and seems to wake up around the same time I do. She defiantly favors my right side and likes to wedge herself up under my ribs on a daily basis. It makes my stomach look weirdly lopsided.
The Momma
This pregnancy is definitely harder than my last one. My ribs hurt whenever I put a bra on, they didn't hurt with Johnny until about 34 weeks. My back hurts at the end of the day. And my hips hurt just about all the time. I get up to pee about 5 times a night, it's ridiculous. Other than all that I am doing great.  We went and visited Johnny's family in Oregon last week and  then came back and had my side of the family in town for my grandparents 60th anniversary. So things have been hectic. And as much as I enjoyed it I am excited to relax. 
I had horrible allergies while we were in Oregon and couldn't wear any makeup, so I'm only in like five pictures. It's kind of sad.

The Lil Man
Johnny is doing good.  He still doesn't really get that he is going to have a baby sister. If you ask him about it he just tells you NO.  He will give kisses to my belly though, and tells me how "cute" sissy's clothes are.