
Monday, November 26, 2012

2 months and tree decorating

 2 Months

 Hannah is a complete mama's girl, and while I love it most of the time it can be really frustrating at others.  I have yet to be able to leave her alone with anybody for more than a couple hours without her melting down. I really would like to be able to go out for a girls night or something. Hopefully it happens soon because I need one.
In good news I finally got a new, much needed phone. An Iphone 4s to be exact. I love it, especially the camera which was why I chose it.  I might even like it more than my digital camera. In fact I'm pretty sure I do. The lil man also loves it and is stealing it to take pictures of Hannah all the time, he is a very proud big brother.

We decorated the Christmas tree last night, though lil man spent most of it trying to pick up ornemants with his tongs.  Whatever floats his boat :) 
Getting the lil man in a picture is quite the challange these days.  He all of the sudden hates the camera and will cover his face and run away shrieking if you point it at him.
He will accept bribery though.  Not that I would ever stoop that low...