
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Randoms and a picture dump

I'm not gonna lie, I am glad this week is over.  It's been SO busy, and very rough.  A flip switched in the Lil Mans head a couple weeks ago and all of the sudden he has an attitude to rival a teenagers, and mood swings to rival pregnancy.  He's also pretty darn cute though, and very excited for Christmas.  He's been finding random things around the house to give as gifts to everybody and couldn't wait to see Santa
Johnny got his car stolen this last weekend, we are hoping it will get found, but I'm not getting my hopes up. 
Hannah is doing great, I took her to the doctor last week for her two month appointment, she's in the 95 percentile for weight and 50th for height. She is still a little cling-on though and doesn't tolerate anyone else for more than a couple hours at a time if that. And when we are at home she has to be held 24/7 it makes getting anything done hard, my house would not be clean if my mom didn't come over a couple times a week to watch the kids while I clean.  She has started smiling a lot more, though you have to work her to get those smiles, she's a serious little thing.

The Lil Man managed to break my camera this week, so all the pictures are off my phone.  I'm hoping to maybe find a decent camera on craigslist after Christmas. I've seen some really good prices on them this last week and I'm hoping I can still find one when Johnny gets paid friday.